Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 7: Lola

This last week was more about people than drawing. I met with Rosalinda's voice actor (Syr Law) and found a composer (Felix). Both of them are great and I'm looking forward to working with them. Careen is going to be the teacher. It ought to be funny. I've got the ADR room is booked for Friday. Wish me luck!

When I mentioned to Syr that I named my main character after my Lola (grandmother), she asked for a recording for reference. Obviously, my character Rose won't sound like my grandmother Rose but Syr thought it'd help her understand the character more.

I thought it'd be hard to get Lola to talk but, once I had her on the phone, she told me stories for a good hour and a half. The first half our was all about Lola's sister Kun Cheng (I'm not sure if that's spelled right) and her duwende. It's much too long to post here but I enjoyed Lola's insistence that everything was true.

Ultimately, I did not send Syr any of the Kun Cheng stories since they were second hand recollections of events that didn't really effect Lola. Instead, I send Syr this clip about how my grandparents met. It's not relevant to my thesis but Lola was defensive while discussing Kun Cheng. She's more animated talking about grandpa.

Now that I've got all this taken care of, I've moved on to backgrounds for the bathroom. Once I have those, I'll start animating again. It's a little surprising how much research is needed to make the establishing shots look right. So many types of trees and waterfalls to pick from! Once I've got that figured out, though, the other bathroom backgrounds ought to be fairly easy.


  1. OMG- you have a great film! I love the first clip with your title cards. If you just add some simple illustrations you have a very, very funny film! It is especially funny that you never hear the story! GREAT material!

  2. "I'll start at the start."

    These are fantastic. Just made my night.
