Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week 3: Rosalinda

Somehow, I forgot to post Rose's updated design. Whoops! Here she is.

Now that I'm animating, I've decided that I want to focus on the "real world" part of my thesis first. The backgrounds are easier, there are less characters, and I'm happy with those sections of my animatic. Hopefully, while I'm working, I'll be struck by inspiration for how to improve the bathroom scene!

I'm very happy with my backgrounds so far. They're coming along really nicely, if I do say so myself.


  1. Nice hat! It's a good design, since even when Rose turns her head, the shape will pretty much stay the same.

    I also like that one of her classmates doesn't have a head.

  2. Great backgrounds! Nice attention to detail.

    (Not sure about the headless classmate...)


  3. love the look of Rose, her face seems very expressive
