Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 6: WIP Animatic

Don't worry! My "final" animatic won't be this rough and the timing will be better.

I've been working on making the bathroom scene more exciting/funnier. I don't feel like the angles are quite as interesting the ones in the classroom but Kristina gave me a peptalk which, combined with my tiredness, convinced me that this is okay.

You can tell exactly when I stopped caring about making an understandable image and just scribbled notes for myself. It's funny. Or, at least, I think it is. It is 2 AM so I could be wrong.

Everything will be cleaner by the end of Monday. Promise!

Right now, I'm planning on ending the story the same way (Rose goes back and leaves rainbow footprints). However, earlier, I was thinking about changing it so that we end with her sitting down to talk with the mermaids. I'm waffling but I think we are going to return to the real world. That feels a little more solid to me.

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