Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Winter Break: Pee Pee Dance

Over the break, I've been very passively animating. My brothers started school today so I'm going to try to get more serious about my animation schedule.

Since I've been back, I've shown my animatic to people who hadn't seen it since summer. They had a lot of good suggestions so I'm going to switch some shots around and tweak the ending. The big after effects file with all my shots in one place is on my school computer though so I've been working on more rough animation instead. I'll make an updated animatic first thing once I'm back in LA.

A lot of people didn't understand that Rosalinda has to go to the bathroom during the classroom scene. Hopefully these updated shots will make it clearer!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sydney- perhaps you could cycle the "pee dance" a bit longer to make it clear? I think it looks great. Also, you can add shuffling sounds and chair squeaks when you create your sound design. All of that will help.

    I look forward to seeing all your progress!
