Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 3: Animatic

Ta-da! My updated animatic! I wanted to work on establishing the spaces we are in more. Hopefully that came through, despite the very rough artwork.

Not all of the drawings are new so there are some inconsistencies. For instance, the palm trees at the beginning should be bamboo and the bathroom stalls have been turned to face the magic door. Any time Rose wears a bucket hat is new.

My animatic is still very much a work in progress. Now that I'm happier with the beginning, the middle is starting to bug me. However, there is certainly enough for me to get working on animating!

I'm somewhat concerned about how little dialog there is. I don't want to add more, both because it'd feel like padding and because it'd be more work, but it feels odd to hunt down voice actors for such measly parts.

On the plus side, though, there are a lot of fun sound effects in my future!


  1. Good work. I think less dialog is better. When a film is less dependent on language, it is more universal. Also, a carefully composed music score can help to tell your story as well.

  2. first of all, I just notice the 'by TheOnionSkinned' lol awesome username :D

    second, I was also amused by the guy playing with the bottle 'cause there's always an abandoned bottle after dismissal.

    Next, the visual is definitely better. but the background music would need some more tweaking, at first it reminding me of Mario haha xD

    other than that, Rosalinda's new look is cute 83
