Monday, February 21, 2011

Rosalina's Uniform

According to a Filipino friend of mine, if the story is set in present times, Rosalina ought to be in a school uniform. Here are some uniform designs that I am considering. Stephanie talked me out of the frilly socks so ignore those.

Rose’s poses ended up a lot cuter than I intended. She isn’t supposed to be this cutesy, at least not at the beginning of the story.

The last design with short skirt was fun to draw but I don’t like that it changes Rose’s silhouette. I’ve always imagined her being triangular. Also, I can't shake the urge to put her in plaid. Once I decide on an outfit, I'm going to experiment with patterns.

There is a way to keep Rosalina in her old outfit but I would have to establish it properly. June 14th is Independence Day in the Philippines and people all around the country wear traditional clothing. According to my friend, this can last from a day to a month depending.

In case anyone is confused right now, the Filipino school year is from June until March. Wet season starts in June and ends around October. The dates work out, which is awesome.

I don’t dislike Rose in a uniform but I liked her with a really loose collar. Something about it worked for me. She seemed more relaxed and open. Of course, if Rose is in a uniform, designing her classmates will be easier. Any opinions?

Update: I did a really, really, really fast picture of Rose in plaid.


  1. I like the top left one in the middle picture, but you'd probably want to simplify it for expediency, make the skirt less frilly, get a less complicated neck tie, maybe get rid of the stripes on the sleeves.

    But then it's technically the one next to it, so whatever.

  2. I also like the idea of a uniform- the top picture is great!

    Why on EARTH would you want to animate plaid???? You will go crazy! It does look cute, but I worry about the difficulty of animating the pattern.

    Great drawings!

