Thursday, March 1, 2012

Week 8: Mar's Water Cycle

As promised, here is the full version of Mar's lecture!

Since I uploaded it to youtube already anyway, here's my animatic too.

1 comment:

  1. Wow sanity, this is a huge leap! though I keep tabs on your work time-to-time( sorry I didn't speak up much..) it's been... 3 months since I've last checked this place, and oh god so many vids. the peepee dance was a good research; Rose looked more 'she's gonna blow' in the classroom and in the hallway.

    though I Kinda miss the mermaid interaction, I loved the part where the tikbalang(oh god, forgot his name!) said good job :) better screen time than just upped and leave the place.

    Practically chuckled a good while at the headless entity.

    the voices are great; the teacher was very attentive(heehee)and the mermaids are amazing, super gossipy and sosy.

    Every scene is great( even if some are just bubble people) though I suggest the foot print scene would change. Like show a trail from behind or something?
