Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rosalina's Design Ideas

Pinning down Rosalinda’s appearance hasn’t been easy. She still isn’t consistent from drawing to drawing and I’m not sure she is Filipino enough.

Currently, she is supposed to be 14 years old. I don’t want her to be overly effeminate or energetic. Rose could be bright and colorful if she wanted but, at the beginning of the animation, she isn’t. She’s not boring but she is bored.

For the time being, I’m drawing her in a simple Filipino outfit. I think it is called a baro’t saya but I could be wrong.

There are several different ways to wear this outfit.

I don't like the colors but the dress itself is nice and simple. I'm leaning towards making Rosalina's red and white. However, I haven't colored a full body picture of her yet.

1 comment:

  1. The dress is cool. It looks good, and it looks like it will be easy to animate.

    I like the hairdo on the left. The one on the right seems more like an adult's.

    As for her age, when I was reading it, I was getting an 11-12-year-old vibe.

    If you try making her eyes a little more round and 'cartoony', that might lend itself to the story.
